Browsing All posts tagged under »Mitt Romney«

Democracy Arrives in the USA

November 8, 2012


War Chiefs, Peace Chiefs and the Zero-Sum Game There’s a scene in “A Beautiful Mind” where the hero provides mathematical proof that everybody does better if they don’t all go for the win (the win being in the movie a blonde, but with much broader application than that.)  This is the issue of the zero-sum […]

Shelter from the Frankenstorm? No Way, Romney Sez!

October 29, 2012


In one of his most famous lines from “Blood on the Tracks,” Dylan writes, “Come in, she said, I’ll give you, Shelter from the storm.” The United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been pretty busy lately, this year and last—the whole decade, really—dealing with the ongoing series of climate disasters which have struck […]

Romnesia, the Videos

October 19, 2012


Romnesia is what Obama called it, the ability of the Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, to assert at different times–as his totally true opinion–two entirely contradictory statements.  In the original Mitt Debates Himself video, he contradicts himself three times in less than a minute.  In the second follow-up video, itself less than two minutes long, Mitt contradicts himself […]

68 Nobel Prize Winners Endorse Obama

October 19, 2012


Is the Republican Party the tin-hat party?  You betcha.  Just ask them about climate change, legitimate rape, intelligent design and various legislative attempts to repeal the laws of physics. Does their idiosyncratic relationship with reality make them a good choice to run the USA?  Not according to the 68 Nobel laureates who signed the following […]

Easier as a Latino, Mitt? [video]

October 18, 2012


One of the most telling moments in Mitt Romney’s famous “47%” video is when–to the hilarity of his well-heeled, largely White audience–he claims that he would have a better shot at the presidency if he were Latino.  Instead of a rich White privileged male. This is classic paranoid White male syndrome.  A rather extreme case, but […]

Mitt Romney, the Paranoia Candidate

September 19, 2012


Conservative collectives like the Republican Party are often noted for their domination by White male paranoia, by White males, that is, so afraid of losing their priority and privileges that they’re half-convinced they’ve lost them already.  These are people with characteristically exaggerated notions of their own importance and superiority, and matching notions of the unimportance […]