Browsing All Posts published on »November, 2013«

Climate Change Since the Industrial Revolution

November 24, 2013


Father Theo goes to climate school 7 Weather changes day-to-day, year-to-year, but beneath this noisy everyday record, climatologists have discovered clear trends in our modern climate.  Temperatures have risen about 0.6o C in the last 50 years, and almost 1o in the past century.  Most of the detected warming has occurred over land and in […]

The Ice Ages, Part 2

November 13, 2013


Father Theo goes to climate school 6. Continued from parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and particularly 5. According to what scientists now believe, the Ice Ages, which have come and gone for the last million years or so, were caused by the coupling of Milankovitch cycles with certain natural feedback loops.  The Milankovitch cycles couldn’t […]

Equal Say for Aboriginal People on Everything Whatsoever

November 2, 2013


Why shouldn’t Aboriginal people get the same deal as climate deniers. Now I have a proposal about the media in British Columbia, and maybe all across Canada.  It’s an equality thing.  It’s a balance thing.  You know the drill. I think the media should grant equal say between the Aboriginal people and the rest of […]